The Hall of Memory is located at the General Curia of the Little Mission for the Deaf. Inaugurated with a Mass by the Superior General of the PMS, Father Savino Castiglione, on 9 June 2018.
The entrance to the Hall has a long corridor that contains the image of the founder of PMS, the Venerable Joseph Gualandi, and some portraits of past superiors general.
Inside the room there are: portraits of the Venerable Joseph Gualandi, his chair, walking stick, vestments, liturgical books, paintings made by Fr. Joseph, various relics, chalices, various paintings, the founder's complete works, various books, holy pictures, various writings, ancient photographs, busts of Fr. Joseph and Fr. Caesar, large plaque with the names of the benefactors of the PMS, memories of the missions, deaf communication tools and a register for visitor’s signatures.
The entrance to the Hall has a long corridor that contains the image of the founder of PMS, the Venerable Joseph Gualandi, and some portraits of past superiors general.
Inside the room there are: portraits of the Venerable Joseph Gualandi, his chair, walking stick, vestments, liturgical books, paintings made by Fr. Joseph, various relics, chalices, various paintings, the founder's complete works, various books, holy pictures, various writings, ancient photographs, busts of Fr. Joseph and Fr. Caesar, large plaque with the names of the benefactors of the PMS, memories of the missions, deaf communication tools and a register for visitor’s signatures.